The bouquet and necklace create a captivating set that exudes elegance and sophistication. The bouquet features a harmonious mix of roses in warm colors like pink, orange, and white, surrounded by fresh green leaves that add a natural touch of beauty.
The gold-plated silver necklace, adorned with pink, purple, and white stones, boasts a luxurious and charming design. Its intricate details add a touch of feminine elegance, making it the perfect complement to the bouquet. This harmonious combination makes for a unique and meaningful gift, ideal for expressing love and beauty on special occasions.
Pink, purple and white stones silver necklace gold plated.
The bouquet, consisting of 2 pink roses, 7 orange roses, 7 white roses, and green leaves, creates a beautiful blend of vibrant and harmonious colors. The pink roses add a touch of delicacy, while the orange roses bring a lively and energetic feel to the bouquet. The white roses add a sense of purity and calmness, creating a perfect balance between the colors. The green leaves surround the flowers naturally, enhancing the beauty of the arrangement and giving the bouquet a complete and elegant look. This bouquet is ideal for expressing love, happiness, or for special celebrations.
Depending on the season and blooming stages, colors and sizes may vary from the images displayed.