A Touch of Pink Roses Hand Bouquet
A Beautiful Blend of Colors: The bouquet combines pink and white roses, creating a stunning harmony that showcases elegance and grace.
A Touch of Luxury: The pink wrapping adds an element of sophistication, making it the perfect gift for special occasions like birthdays or anniversaries.
A Symbol of Love and Appreciation: Give it to someone special as a token of your affection and appreciation. This bouquet is more than just flowers; it’s a message of beauty and grace.
Perfect for Any Occasion: Whether for a memorable moment or a special event, this bouquet will add a magical touch to any occasion.
Give this special bouquet to a loved one as a sign of your love and appreciation, and let them feel the joy and beauty in every detail.
How to preserve roses:
- Trim Stems: Cut at least half an inch from the stems before placing in the vase and whenever changing water
- Change Water: Refill frequently and replace completely every 2-3 days
- Keep Cool: Store away from heat and direct sunlight
- Remove Wilting Flowers: Take out any dead or wilting flowers
- Note: Proper care can keep flowers fresh for up to 7 days