50 white roses
If you're looking for a gift that expresses purity and love, a bouquet of 50 white roses is the perfect choice. These roses represent peace and innocence, making them an ideal gift for special occasions where you want to convey your feelings sincerely and deeply. This bouquet features 50 elegant white roses arranged beautifully, bringing a touch of natural beauty and purity. Whether you're gifting them on Valentine's Day, a special occasion, or to express gratitude to a loved one, white roses remain a timeless symbol of good intentions and heartfelt emotions. They create a romantic atmosphere and reflect your feelings in a sophisticated and luxurious way. Give this exquisite bouquet as a gift, and it will undoubtedly be a memorable gesture that leaves a lasting impact on the recipient’s heart. Let these white roses speak for all that cannot be said with words, and make your gift a cherished memory.

How to preserve roses:
- Trim Stems: Cut at least half an inch from the stems before placing in the vase and whenever changing water
- Change Water: Refill frequently and replace completely every 2-3 days
- Keep Cool: Store away from heat and direct sunlight
- Remove Wilting Flowers: Take out any dead or wilting flowers
- Note: Proper care can keep flowers fresh for up to 7 days