The Red Love Hand Bouquet is a perfect symbol of deep affection and passion, featuring a beautiful arrangement of red roses. This romantic bouquet expresses love and devotion, making it an ideal gift for Valentine's Day or any special moment. A timeless gesture of love, beautifully paired with Nuit Fragrances. Celebrate love with Flowrista!
Red Love Hand Bouquet | 20 Red Rose
In stock
Care Tips
Celebrate Valentine’s Day with timeless elegance
Gift Contents:
- 20 red roses
Express your love with a gift that speaks of elegance, romance, and enduring memories.
Depending on the season and blooming stages, colors and sizes may vary from the images displayed.
![one size](/assets/images/products/size-standard.png)
one size - EGP 2382.00
How to preserve roses:
- Trim Stems: Cut at least half an inch from the stems before placing in the vase and whenever changing water
- Change Water: Refill frequently and replace completely every 2-3 days
- Keep Cool: Store away from heat and direct sunlight
- Remove Wilting Flowers: Take out any dead or wilting flowers
- Note: Proper care can keep flowers fresh for up to 7 days